I haven’t been sleeping, I’ve been dreaming

I’ve been spotty with this blog since I got back from Korea. My directions have been somewhat complicated and confusing but in a very positive way. And it has been hard for me to write clear entries. I’ve been trying to find my place, not only in a life direction but in a ‘how do I fit in here, right now, in this very spot where I am standing?’. This of course, is a complication everyone faces I believe….

A few week ago I had a small journey, but one that has changed the direction of my life. Thanks to one of my theatre professors I was able to embark to Cape May, New Jersey to participate in a Playwright Symposium. What I thought…. well, it wasn’t what I thought at all… it was something of a dream. I was able to make such strong connections and memories with the fellow mates who participated, and I was able to make a few NYC Broadway Playwright friends.

The highlight of my trip was Tuesday May 14th — Each day of the Symposium four members of the group got to have a one on one with the playwright that was lecturing during the day. The playwrights, previous to the meetings, had the chance to read our play submission that got us accepted into the program. On Tuesday Stephen Adly Guirgis lectured and I was chosen to have a one on one with him. For any inspiring writer/playwright/anyone Stephen Adly Guirgis is someone you should look up to. I wish I could say word for word everything he told us that day because in that day, in those moments he spoke to us, it felt like a light had dawned on me, and everything from that moment became so clear. (I’m getting a little teary eyed writing this. The Symposium honestly had such a strong emotional effect on me.) Going to the Symposium was a chance, a huge chance of a lifetime for me. And before me, I had these great men bestow their knowledge. Knowledge that I needed dearly, things I needed to hear.

After the day’s lecture the four of us who were chosen to meet with Guirgis waited to meet him outside on a set of benches near a fountain – I was  number three. We each had about fifteen minutes which usually ran over because there is always so much to say. After the second person went the man who was going after me asked if we could trade spots because he had an engagement later on and it was getting late… the meetings were really running over, which just made me more nervous. I had no idea what the other people were asking him, I had no idea what were good and bad questions to ask, I had no idea what to even ask him… I figured my time would be the shortest, I was blank, nervous, shaking and blank…. And it was getting cold. (the week we stayed in Cape May it was chilly and cold… the very last day we stayed, like the end of our ordeal the sun came out and warmed everything. It was beautiful).

My turn came, the sun was setting, and it was getting colder. I saw the fourth man leave and I waited… I heard my name and Stephen turned around with a cigarette in his mouth waving me over. Heart pounding, heading shaking, body quivering, I approached and said…”Hey man, it’s getting pretty cold how about a beer?” And he said, “A beer sounds great. Where to?” And I said, “I saw this pretty cheap bar near the outside mall. It has PBR for 2.50” And he said, “Is that the place right there on the corner? I’ll meet you there in three.”….

So there I was drinking a 2.50 PBR, the cheapest beer they had because I’m utterly broke at this time. And he comes sits down and orders a meal… and of course I do too. So there I was eating dinner, drinking beer, talking about playwriting with Stephen Adly Guirgis. Not only was I doing these things but he pulled out my work and began talking about my writing…. not only talking about my writing but saying he liked it…. a lot…. so very much. And he believed that in a short time I could be there with him writing for Broadway. He gave me the best wisdom and words of advice… and he also gave me him number and email for a just in case I needed help with anything or if I make it to NYC and need to chill…. Once again I wish I could repeat everything was said that day but all I can say is it felt so good. It felt so good to have someone say your work is good. After years and years of writing… to have someone like that say that you had a really good chance to be something important… that he knew I was something important and all I had to do was keep writing and submitting and in time I would get there.

After our meeting that lasted over an hour I walked a few blocks and stood at the foot of the ocean and began crying…. a lot… so much love had flooded out of me that day, so much love and care and respect and desire flooded out of me and fell into the ocean and there it all will be kept until I need it back to remind me of where I need to go in case I ever forget.

The rest of the week was amazing, I broke out of something I confined myself in for a long time and I bloomed in that cold chilly week at Cape May. With the help of the other participants, the people who run the theatre, and the playwrights of the very first Cape May Symposium… I bloomed after 23 years…

And while I was there I got a call and got hired for a job that will help me very much go where I need to go.. So I left early, said my goodbyes Thursday night to everyone including William Mastrosimone (who’s lecture filled my head with so much knowledge and filled my notepad with so many words and ideas. He is one of the most intelligent me I’ve ever met) who knew me by name! After a rough 5 hours of driving, due to traffic difficulties I got to PA around 3 in the morning and started work at 7:45 the same morning.

Right now, I am in a very good place in my life. I have a very strong direction, a new job, and soon…. June 1st… a new wonderful apartment. Things are going very well… and very positive.

– Beirut

This entry was published on May 27, 2013 at 10:38 pm. It’s filed under Positive Directions, Uncategorized and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post.

One thought on “I haven’t been sleeping, I’ve been dreaming

  1. Diane on said:

    I am so very happy you went to the symposium! I hope you achieve your dreams! I hope you fly!!

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